Friday, September 5, 2008

Week 1-Challenge 1

I could tell the minute I got in the door and dropped my bag, I wasn't staying. This wasn't what I was expecting. As I looked around at the peeling paint, I saw a cockroach scuttle across the floor and slip under one of the floorboards. I shut the heavy door behind me and shuddered as a chill settled in the expansive room. I called for somebody, but the house seemed to be empty. My voice reverberated and eerily echoed off of the walls. I was supposed to live here for at least a year, but now wasn't sure I could stand to stay for more than five minutes. I would have to try it out. Dare I sit on the sagging couch in the corner? I had already encountered the cockroach and wasn't sure I wanted to discover what may be in the couch. I spotted an old rocking chair in the opposite corner and decided that it was the safest place to sit and wait.
As I sat, I began to feel like I was being watched, but I couldn't tell from where. There was an expansive staircase behind me, but it was too dark to see what was on the landing. I could see a door on the side of the room that looked like it could lead to the kitchen, but it was hard to tell from where I was sitting. Should I get up and explore? Or wait for someone to come find me? I slowly stood from the chair, deciding that I could explore the house while looking for somebody at the same time. I first went to the door that looked like it led to the kitchen and found that it actually led to a small dining room and the kitchen was connected on the left side. It was dark and dusty in here, and huge cobwebs hung from the ceiling like sheets. I made my way around a small wooden table and into the kitchen. It was a large kitchen, but looked like it had no working appliances. There was no stove and a strange odor was coming from the fridge. I didn't want to find out what the smell was, so I exited the kitchen and found myself at the foot of the stairs.
Before I could even take a step up the stairs, I felt a cold hand clasp my shoulder. I gasped and jumped up the first three stairs before turning around. I found myself staring at a small and withered man. It looked like he hadn't eaten in days, his skin was sagging from his bones. His hair was thin and dark circles under his eyes seemed to take up his entire face. He told me that I couldn't stay and that I needed to leave immediately. His eyes burned into mine and I found myself speechless. "LEAVE NOW!" he shouted. Before I could even mutter a word he had picked me up with surprising strength and carried me out the door. My bag came flying out after me and the heavy door once again slammed shut. I stood to peer in the window to catch another glimpse of the man, but it seemed that he had disappeared. In fact there was no sign that anyone had been there at all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I also felt that there just had to be cockroach with an opening line like that. :)

I'm curious about the man, though, and the smelly fridge... but most of all, I'm curious about the "I" in this story. Who is it? And I wonder what he/she is doing in the house?

Also, thanks for not sitting on the couch! I didn't really want to know what was in there, either.